UWS Clearing

Integrated Health & Social Care

(top-up)(2nd Year Entry)


BA (Hons)

3 years full-time, flexible part-time*


September 2022


About the course

Build a career within the health and social care sector with UWS’s BA (Hons) Integrated Health & Social Care.

This degree reflects the changing environment within health and social care. It will allow you to explore the health and social care sector in response to changing demographics and the integration of services. The degree recognises the shift in services, from both a national and international perspective, and how they are moving towards prevention, person- centredness, enablement and empowerment of individuals and support within people’s homes. Central to the programme is valuing the role that all staff play in the implementation and delivery of integrated services.

The BA (Hons) Integrated Health & Social Care is the first of its kind in Scotland and is specifically designed as a progression or articulation route for those who have a relevant HNC from a Further Education college looking to strengthen their knowledge, skills and career in the rapidly changing environment of integrated health and social care provision.

  • The degree is designed to provide an academic pathway for individuals who wish to pursue a career within health and social care in the public, private, third or voluntary sectors.
  • The degree will help you understand the interplay between integrated health and social care systems.
  • You will develop the knowledge and skills required to provide joined-up, comprehensive support services to improve outcomes for people using health and social care services.
  • You will explore the practical ways support providers can work together to deliver high-quality and connected health and social care services to individuals.
  • You will develop graduate skills required within this exciting and evolving sector.

Applications for this course are open to people currently residing in:


Year 2: Open

Year 3: Open

Rest of UK (Eng, Wales & NI) & Republic of Ireland

Year 2: Open

Year 3: Open

International (including EU/EEA)

Year 2: Closed

Year 3: Closed

Minimum Entry Requirements

This degree does not accept applications from international students.

  • SQA HNC or BTEC Level 4 HNC: Additional Support Needs or Care & Administrative Practice (clinical route) or Complementary Therapies or Counselling or Early Education & Childcare or Healthcare or Social Care or Social Services or Working with Communities or other relevant discipline
  • SQA HND or BTEC Level 5 HND: Complementary Therapies

SQA HND or BTEC Level 5 HND or equivalent: Additional Support Needs or Counselling or Childhood Practice or Business Administration and IT or Business or Social Sciences

How to Apply


You can apply for this course, as well as keep up-to-date with your undergraduate application, via the UCAS Hub.

Your UCAS Hub account will be updated once a decision has been made on your application and you’ll be notified.

Clearing Guide

Clearing can sometimes feel like a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Don’t worry though as we’re here to guide you through the process, giving you the information and advice you need.

Enquire about this course

If you’re not sure about anything, get in touch – we are here to help!

T: 0800 027 1000 (Freephone within the UK)
T: +44 (0)141 849 4101 (outwith the UK)
E: clearing@uws.ac.uk


We will always try to make sure that we publish accurate course information but we do not accept responsibility for any mistakes or omissions. We will also try to make sure that we deliver our courses in line with our published information. However, we may not always be able to do so and you can find further information about this in our enrolment terms and conditions.